Downloaded Data Formats

Downloaded Data

Downloaded Data (PeakData, PeakGroups, Fcirc) are formatted as TSV (Tab Separated Values). The organization of downloaded data is always the same, regardless of any column filtering that may have been applied in the Advanced Search page. This makes downloaded data amenable to other analysis tools outside of TraceBase.

Each row in the TSV of downloaded data includes:

# Download Time # Advanced Search Query used to generate the downloaded data # Blank row Column Names data, where one row = 1 observation

Note that PeakGroups and Fcirc data for samples from infusions with multiple labeled elements may be split into a separate row for each element.

In the Fcirc view, each row is split by serum sample, tracer, and element. See For Multiple Tracers or Labeled Elements.

Other downloaded tables

Summary tables found while browsing TraceBase can be downloaded (ie Studies, Animals, Tissues, Compounds, etc). These are downloaded in the format selected by the user (csv, txt, MS-Excel) and the columns included are dependent on what the user has selected.