How to Download
Four types of data can be downloaded from TraceBase:
- PeakGroups
- PeakData
- Fcirc
- TraceBase metadata (Compounds, Tissues, etc)
TraceBase data can be downloaded in three ways:
All the data in TraceBase can be downloaded by clicking the "Download" button in the top menu bar. This has strictly defined Downloaded Data Formats, which can be used for analysis outside of TraceBase.
Data found in the Advanced Search page can also be downloaded in the same format by clicking the blue download button.
TraceBase metadata found in other pages (e.g. "Studies" table) can be downloaded in multiple formats by clicking the blue download button. These are typically sample information tables that do not contain the underlying PeakGroups, PeakData, or Fcirc data. For example, the Compounds table can be downloaded as a CSV, TXT, or XLS file.