How to label Mass Spec Run Information

Information about the Mass Spectrometry used is collected in a google form when data is submitted. Note, an LCMS-metadata file can be used to denote multiple different values for the options below. If such a file is provided, the values entered into the form are used as defaults for any samples that are not included in the file.

A description of each field is listed here:

Mass Spec Run Date

  • Date that the sequence was ran on on the machine

Mass Spec Instrument

  • The instrument that was used for the run
  • Possible values:
  • QE
  • QE2
  • QTOF

Mass Spec Operator

  • Researcher who prepared samples for MS and ran them on the machine

LC Method

  • Name of the Liquid Chromatography method used
  • Possible values:
  • unknown
  • polar-HILIC-25-min
  • polar-reversed-phase-ion-pairing-25-min
  • polar-reversed-phase-25-min
  • lipid-reversed-phase-25-min
  • The submission form only takes predefined values. If the method is not available among the options, select "Other" and enter a description that includes the name and run length. Example:
  • lipid-reversed-phase-25-min: This method involves the analysis of lipids using reversed-phase chromatography on C18 columns, coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry. It is mainly used for the analysis of lipids.


  • Ion mode used for the Mass Spectrometer
  • Either "negative" or "positive"