Normalized Labeling

Found in PeakGroups

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The enrichment in this compound normalized to the enrichment in the tracer compound(s) from the final serum timepoint for that animal. This is calculated for each labeled element separately.

Normalized Labeling = ThisPeakGroup.enrichment_fraction / SerumTracerPeakGroup.enrichment_fraction

Example: normalized labeling in alanine (C3H7NO2) and glutamate (C5H9NO4) measured in the final serum sample and one tissue (quadricep) sample from an infusion of [13C3-15N]-alanine:

Tissue Measured Compound(s) Labeled Element Total Abundance Enrichment Fraction Enrichment Abundance Normalized Labeling
serum_plasma_tail alanine C 1721209 0.275916 474909.5 1
serum_plasma_tail alanine N 1721209 0.344919 593677.6 1
serum_plasma_tail glutamate C 242215.7 0.018 4359.787 0.065236
serum_plasma_tail glutamate N 242215.7 0.053935 13063.83 0.156369
quadricep alanine C 97694902 0.006183 604078.4 0.02241
quadricep alanine N 97694902 0.019993 1953218 0.057964
quadricep glutamate C 14251992 0.007268 103580.9 0.026341
quadricep glutamate N 14251992 0.087257 1243586 0.252978

In some cases, a labeled element present in a tracer is not found in a measured compound, and Normalized Labeling is not reported. For example, lactate (C3H6O3) can be measured in samples from an animal infused with N-labeled glutamine (C5H10N2O3), but no nitrogen enrichment or normalized labeling is reported for lactate.

For infusates with multiple tracers, SerumTracerPeakGroup.enrichment_fraction = average of enrichment in each serum tracer group.

The SerumTracerPeakGroup depends on some edge cases:

  • if two serum samples were collected on the same date and same minutes after the start of infusion, (ie they are biological replicates), the specific value selected is arbitrary.
  • if the same SerumTracerPeakGroup is repeated in multiple MSruns (appears in multiple accucor files), the most recent uploaded data is selected.